An Arrangement of Perpetuities
Future Generation Art Prize
PinchukArtCentre, Kyiv, Ukraine
February 25 – April 16, 2017
Photo: Sergey Illin
An Arrangement of Perpetuities comprises four irregular sculptures of different dimensions, made from raw and manufactured materials. These are simultaneously massive and fragile; abstruse and poetic. The result is a system of intertwined elements, in which one – while being exploited – supports the existence of another. Inspired by the predecessors of rollercoasters known in the seventeenth-century Russia as 'Russian Mountains' (and in modern times referred to as 'American Mountains'), they are an elaborated outcome of the artist's research into complicated levels of physical and emotional states, including discipline, emancipation and exhaustion. The work is in an incessant process of transformation, evoking the seemingly uncomplicated relationship between control and surrender, absence and presence.
—Anna Smolak (February 2017)